Thursday, July 29, 2010

How do I get my husband to loose weight?

A bit of history to help. My husband is overweight and I seemed to try everything to get him to lose the weight. I buy and cook healthier dinners. I don't buy junk food. I bought him a gym membership and he doesn't use it. Sometimes he will get on a running kick and run everyday but this doesn't last long. When he does get motivavted he will lose about 10-20 pounds easy then he platoes and gives up. He works as a general manager at Applebees so I am sure he doesn't eat too well at work. But there is nothing I can do about that. The problem is when he is around food he has to eat it. When he stops for gas he will by sodas and junkfood. He did stuggle with bulimia in college. He doesn't purge any more but he sure does binge when he's stressed. I also tried playing the do it for our daughter card. That doesn't work. Is there anything else I can do? He has no will power. I am worried that he will have heart problems and develop diabetes. He will be 29 next week.How do I get my husband to loose weight?
Do you love you husband? if he's happy let him be. Love your husband for WHO he is..not what he looks like.

has he actually said he wants to lose weight? don't nag him, support him, sounds like YOU are causing some of his stress by nagging him about his weight.How do I get my husband to loose weight?
your welcome..i am glad that i could help :)

Good luck :)

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Suggest you BOTH go to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting - just to hear some of the other people's stories. Your husband is still the victim of an eating disorder - perhaps he'd consent to counseling by a substance abuse professional.
wow, i do understnad you, here are a few tips.

ever try to walk with him. orhave your daughter walk with him.

i know schedules are sometimes bad, but have your daughter walk with him. its good execrise for the both of them and they can talk to each other.

when u stop for gas, make him get it at the punt. he does not have to go inside the gas station and pay

dont buy the sodas, and snacks, buy juices and water and veggies which are easy to eat.

well when u got him to join the gym, did u join with him. you can make it like a gym dae. you worked out together., and then go home.
wow, maybe he should see a shrink there might be some mental issue causing this? i think he should change jobs though, im the smae way and when i worked at mcdonalds i gained 30 pounds, i did lose it after i quit cuz i wasnt around food that much though. sorry im not really helpful but i do thinkn he should talk to someone and maybe they can give him some medication to straighten him out abit so he will have more will power , just try and be as supportive as possible.

much luv and good luck to the both of you
Let him enjoy life. You sound way too demanding.
Up his insurance.
He should see a shrink about why he isn't about to.

I would imagine the best tack you could take is not the ';daughter card'; but the ';wowser wife card.'; I always hated it when my wives used sex against me, but for them it worked. Show him you in something really inviting, then say with a sweet smile, ';Lose ten pounds and I'll put it on again and let YOU take it off.'; Repeat as often as you dare for as long as it works. Don't cut him off (if he manages at Applebees he's got lots of hotties who are looking at him for career advancement), but encourage that the really good stuff comes when there is a little less of him in the way of a really hot loving. And as it progresses, do reward him in a big way, be his private $1,000 hooker for the night--the object is to be the object of his desires, which he gets to enjoy when there is less of him in the way. (Think of all those at work that would do more just for an extra weekend off) Good luck.
Sounds to me like your husband my be suffering from a food addiction. Just like drugs or alcohol people can become addicted to food, especially if he is using as a way to battle stress. My adive to you is to monitor when he is eating. Does he eat when he is bored? Does he eat when he stressed out? Here's a link to a page that deals with this disorder. Good Luck!鈥?/a>
you ca't ...he has to want to lose the weight for himself I know it's hard my sister is going through the same thing you can make suggestions but that's about all you can do without him getting upset with you, talk to your doctor maybe he can offer some suggestions
make him visit his mother in law often
cut down his portions on how much food you give him, and try and give him a healthier choice of food, ie, more salad, fruit and veg. or you could just stop feeding him.

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