Friday, August 20, 2010

How do I convince my husband to see a doctor?

My husband has been sick for 7 days now. His symptoms resemble the swine flu, although he does not like me jumping to conclusions. I am very worried about him, and I think he needs medication. What can I do? I hate to see him get sicker and sicker as the days pass by.How do I convince my husband to see a doctor?
At the 7 day mark, if someone with the flu (be it Swine or regular) is still getting sicker on a daily basis, it is advisable to see a dr.

Any type of flu can cause serious complications or death. In addition to that, it may not be a flu at all, but some other condition.

By day 7 of a flu, your husband should be on the road to recovery, not getting worse. Make him see the Doctor.

Tell him to go for your sake, if not for his. Because you are putting so much energy into worrying about him that it's causing you stress and you would feel much better if he would go get checked out.How do I convince my husband to see a doctor?
Guys tend to be pretty stubborn when it comes to being sick and injured, so this could be tricky. If he's not too worried, then there's probably not a whole lot you can do to get him to go. The important thing, as you mentioned, is to not jump to conclusions. Swine flu resembles the regular flu, and your husband probably doesn't fall under the most dangerous demographic (kids and elderly). If he doesn't start to get better in a few days, if you have any children, try (slyly) to guilt him into going to the hospital by saying that you're worried he might get you and your children sick.
I'm stubborn and don't like to go to the doctor unless I';m REALLY sick and nothing is working. So, I feel your pain and know I put my significant other through it often.

However, what works with me and might help with him is that even if he doesn't care as much about his health, he should be concerned about getting you sick, especially when it could be something as potentially bad as H1N1. Make it clear to him that you are worried about the BOTH of you getting sick.

Waiting a few days to see if things get better before jumping to a doctor is something many people do, but a whole week and no improvement is DEFINITELY time to get things checked out.
Call his doctor. Tell the doctor about all of your husbands symptoms. Maybe your hubby will listen and then go in. If your husband has a fever over 100 degrees (F), body aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, (you get the idea) - he is very sick and needs medical attention.

Your husband could have the 'regular' seasonal flu - but to be sure, he should see his doctor.

Good luck
He could also have the regular flu. The symptoms of regular flu and H1N1 are exactly alike. Put him in the car, tell him you're going out to eat, then drive to a clinic and force him to go inside. That's what I have to do with my husband.
You can't force him to go but you could try to find out why he won't go get medical attention and then work on that with him.

Btw... The difference between the flu and the swine flu is a high fever.
Tell him you're withholding his nooky for two weeks for every day he fails to go to the doctor.

Yeah. That should do the trick.
Show some tears! A crying wife can get a husband to do just about anything!
Tell him how you feel and tell him if he really loves you he would get checked out by a doctor.
Find a really hot doctor and have her come to your house. I'm sure he'll have no problem talking to her about his problems.
Hide the remote, then he'll know you mean business!
Bring the doctor to him!!

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