Friday, August 20, 2010

How do I get my husband to share in the housework?

My husband works long hours, and I work part-time at home as a freelance professional, plus I have 2 school-age children. I would like to pursue more work hours, but I am unable because of housework demands, and I cannot convince my husband to share in the hiring of housework help. My young children have their chores and feel I cannot add more housework responsibility on them. I am absolutely, dead-end sick of performing all the housework, grocery shopping and cooking, and since I work and live at home, I find it impossible to simply ignore. HELP!How do I get my husband to share in the housework?
The way I did it with my hubby was to sit down and tell him that quite frankly I was overwhelmed.

I acknowledged that he did work (plus go to college), but that I worked too (full time) and it was a tremendous burden for me to actually work TWO full-time jobs - one in and one out of the home.

We compromised: if I cook he washes the dishes, if I vacuum, he dusts, if I do the laundry, he folds, etc. It has worked well for two years and I only occasionally have to remind him. Good luck!How do I get my husband to share in the housework?
My husband and I have been married for 33 years. I never had much luck getting him to help with the housework either. He and I worked full time outside the home and we raised 2 children. My advice would be just to suck it up, and try to get used to a less clean house. My house wasn't really disgusting, but it could always use a good dusting, and the clutter sometimes got out of hand. As your children get older they can help you more. Sometimes my mother would come over and help me, we made a day of it and she ended up cooking dinner for all of us. Now that we are retired, I only require my husband to take out the trash once a day, and I have enough time to keep my house spotless, like I always wanted to! Hope this is helpful to you.
im sorry hun , but i guess im old fashioned ..

he works the majority of the hours , its his income that pretty much takes care of you and your kids .

the house work is your job .

i know others wouldnt agree with me on this , but how is it fair for him to work twice as many hours as you and still clean the house .
Start by buying him a big stack of cheap paper plates. Then assign him a knife, fork and spoon set with his name on them. Finally, he needs his own cup for liquids with his name on it. Either he washes his eating utensils after every use, or he washes them when he needs them. That's it. He can't use any other utensils in the house except the paper plates and the ones with his name on them.

If you don't think that's practical, I've done it for the last 10 years and never had dishes build up in my sink!
Talk to him? My Husband and I both work full time, he has a second job too, we have 2 teens who help also. With both of us working and his second job I would never in the world expect him to do household chores too. There are times when he doesn't work...and he volunteerely picks up on some of the chores, like a load of laundry or dishes.... to give me a break also when I become overwhelemd. Just talk to him and see what you both can come up with
If your husband hasn't already OFFERED his help, it's unlikely that he'll freely and willingly do it, even if you ask nicely! I feel your pain, though.

Maybe you should try a ';reward system'; for his help- like a more, um, ';adult'; version of what you do with kids when you want them to do something they don't want to do. If he's going to close his eyes and pretend there's no problem going on, simply because it doesn't affect him, then he's essentially ';acting like a child';- so treat him like one!
This one is very simply solved: Stop buying groceries and cleaning supplies.

He will notice when there is no food on the table. Then, as the cleaning supplies you have run out, the cleaning will stop as well. Then he will HAVE to do something.

Realistically, this is a little bit millitant. Sit him down and talk to him. If he loves you, he will respect that you want to work outside the home, and that having a career is a part of personal growth for many people.
Cleaning does not have to and should not take up all your time. Check out the website below for help on how to keep it together, and maybe even get his help! Remember, you do all these things because you love him, and you love your children. It is something that you can do to show him how much you love him. A change in attitude might go a long way. My husband, who never helped out, really started doing some of the work when he saw me doing it cheerfully, and not getting all ';out of sorts'; just because no body else ever does _______! I just do it, and think, I'm showing them that I love them. Even my daughter's attitude has changed. When she wants to do something really nice for me, she picks up her room, or sweeps the kitchen.
Reward him with blowjobs. If he works very long days and you're home while the kids are at school then you have time to clean. If not, maybe you should consider a maid service. ... Guess I should have read the whole thing first. Maybe you should just hire the service with or without his permission. If the house can't be kept up that's pretty much the only alternative.
You shove the broom right in his face and force him to work by poking his butt with a tack every time he refuses. (lol)
I'm not sorry but I agree with Aquarius on this. If you work part time then your full time job is kids and home. If you want that to change get a full time job, put the kids in daycare and try and maintain a house hold. This is most of America darlin'. Oh wait I just re-read what you posted HIRING of household help.....that changes everything if your hiring help why bother to ask, make the hired rent-a-maid do it. Give me a break, You work at home part time....come on....
I have had this problem before. I stopped washing my husband's clothes. He realized the problem with this when he got up for work one day and did not have anything clean to wear. This resolved the issue for a while but he stopped helping again so... I stopped washing his clothes again. It is not a perfect or longterm solution, but it did work for me-for a while.
I have a problem with that also. I have found that talking just doesn't work so i tried this... If he like the house clean like mine this might work for you.. I quit doing the work, when he got tired of the house looking the way it did he started helping me. I also quit washing his work close for him and he got the hint.
Withhold sex from him.
you don't! There is just no way you can get them to help if they don't already. Thankfully my guy likes to clean, so I am off the hook. He cleans more than me. But I cook. Good Luck.

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